How to participate in the adventure ?

Numerous participatory projects were carried out throughout the construction of the Sterne. Many pairs tomorrow screwed, sanded, laminated, painted.
From summer 2024, participatory projects will once again be organized for the construction of Brassemer, so use your tools! A schedule will be defined soon.

In 2017, we put our first Crowdfunding online. We aimed for €30,000 and ended up with €32,000. This money made it possible to finish the Sterne, buy it a mast, sails and fittings.
In 2021 again, new Crowdfunding, this time, to equip the ship for the world tour : €10,000 targeted, €12,000 raised.
To participate in the adventure. Click on the link below.

The town hall of Balaruc-les-Bains (France) allocates us land free of charge for the construction of Brassemer. During the construction of the Sterne, companies provided us with materials free of charge. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are thinking of a donation that could be useful to us.

If you want to join us, sail, participate in the project, dream with us, then join! If you want to support us financially, it’s the same link :

…Here !